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Guide to the General Election 2024: Tax implications for your business

Updated: Sep 16

As a business owner, you’ll likely be wondering how the upcoming general election on 4 July 2024 is likely to affect your business. A new government can mean significant legislative changes and tax upheavals that can impact your business operations and financial planning.

The parties have issued their manifestos, so let’s break down what they’ve said about tax.

What Labour and the Conservatives have said about tax

Here is a comparison table of what Labour and the Conservatives say in their manifestos about tax.







Income Tax



Comparison: Same/similar

The basic, higher and additional rates of income tax will not be increased.

Income tax rates will not be increased.


Pension reforms will be adopted alongside a review of the pensions landscape.

The tax-free allowance for pensioners to be brought into a new ‘Triple Lock Plus.’ This pledges a rise equal to the highest of inflation, earnings or 2.5% by way of a new age-related personal allowance. This will apply from April 2025. The tax-free (or personal) allowance is currently frozen at £12,570 for all taxpayers until 6 April 2028.



No new taxes on pensions. Marginal rate relief and the 25% tax free lump sum will both be maintained.


No mention of the High Income Child Benefit Charge

The High Income Child Benefit Charge to be assessed on a household basis, with the charge only starting to apply when combined income reaches £120,000. The charge would only reach the full amount of Child Benefit when household income exceeds £160,000. It is currently based on the highest earner in the household and whether their income exceeds £60,000.

National Insurance Contributions (NIC)



Comparison: The Conservative Party are pledging reductions

National Insurance will not be increased.

A further 2p reduction in the main rate of employees’ NIC. This is currently 8% and the Manifesto promises to cut this to 6% by April 2027. NIC will not be extended to employer pension contributions.

Business Tax



Comparison: The Conservative party are pledging reductions.


A roadmap for business taxation for the next parliament will be published, enabling confident investment planning.


Further reductions in the main rate of self-employed Class 4 NIC. This is currently 6% and the Manifesto promises to abolish it altogether by the end of the next Parliament (no later than July 2029).


Full expensing and the annual investment allowance to be retained. There will be greater clarity on qualification criteria, to aid investment.


Extension of full expensing for expenditure on brand new plant and machinery, including in cases where the asset is leased to a third party. This will apply ‘once fiscal conditions allow’.

Corporation Tax



Comparison: Possible increases coming for smaller companies under Labour.


Corporation tax will be capped at the current main rate of 25% for the whole parliament. This perhaps hints at increases for companies with annual profits of less than £250,000 (as divided by the number of associated companies), i.e. those currently benefiting from the small profits rate or marginal relief.

No increase in corporation tax.





Comparison: Same/similar albeit Labour’s private school plans are significant for some.


The rate of VAT will not be increased. VAT will however be applied to private school fees.



The rate of VAT will not be increased.

The VAT registration threshold will be kept under review with options explored to smooth the cliff edge at the current £90,000 level.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)



Comparison: Possible increases coming for investors under Labour. Certain increases within private equity.


No specific mention of CGT rates or reliefs.

The ’carried interest tax loophole’ will be closed. This relates to private equity executives that receive a stake in the funds they manage, rather than traditional remuneration.


CGT will not be increased.

Business Asset Disposal Relief will be retained.

Private Residence Relief will be maintained.

A new temporary 2 year CGT relief will be offered to landlords who sell their properties to their existing tenants.

Inheritance Tax



Comparison: Labour to impose IHT on offshore trusts.


No specific mention of IHT rates or reliefs.

The use of offshore trusts to avoid inheritance tax will be ended.

No specific mention of IHT rates or reliefs.

Agricultural Property Relief and Business Relief will be retained.

Stamp Duty Land Tax



Comparison: Increases under Labour for non-residents and possibly, down the line, for UK residents as well.


SDLT on purchases of residential property by non-UK residents will increase by 1%. This will increase the existing surcharge from 2% to 3%.


Rates and levels of SDLT will not be increased.

The first-time buyer threshold to be set permanently at £425,000. This is due to revert to £300,000 on 1 April 2025.

Specific Tax Issues



Non-domiciled individuals



Comparison: Likely same/similar


The non-domiciled status will be abolished and replaced with a modern scheme for people genuinely in the country for a short period.

Interestingly, no mention is made of the previously announced plans to curb non-domiciled individuals’ use of the remittance basis from April 2025.

Furnished holiday lets



Comparison: Likely same/similar


No indication given.


Councils will be given the powers needed to ‘manage the uncontrolled growth of holiday lets’. Beyond this, no further detail is given on the planned April 2025 reform to limit tax benefits.


SME growth initiatives



Comparison: Likely same/similar although no commitment from Labour.


No indication given.


The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) regimes will be retained.

Research & Development (R&D) and Creative tax reliefs



Comparison: Likely same/similar although no commitment from Labour.


No indication given.


R&D tax reliefs will be maintained. Priority will be given to cutting edge farming technology such as fertiliser and vertical farming.

Creative sector tax incentives to remain competitive.

HMRC resources



Comparison: Likely same/similar although Labour appear to be budgeting less to tackle avoidance


A promise to modernise HMRC and change the law to tackle tax avoidance. A £855 million investment to reduce tax avoidance.

Registration and reporting requirements will increase and HMRC’s powers will be strengthened.

There will be investment in technology to build capacity within HMRC.

There will be a renewed focus on tax avoidance by large businesses and the wealthy.

A further £6 billion a year will be raised by tackling tax avoidance and evasion over the next Parliament.

There is no specific commentary on funding for HMRC although there are pledges to double digital and AI expertise within the wider civil service.


Taxpayer digitalisation



Comparison: Likely same/similar


The Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative does not get a mention in the manifesto.

The Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative does not get a mention in the manifesto.

Other associated pledges



Comparison: Minimum wage cost increases under Labour.


A commitment to one major fiscal event a year, giving families and businesses due warning of tax and spending policies.

The minimum wage will be a genuine living wage and the age bands will be removed.

England’s business rates system to be replaced with a fairer model, levelling the playing field between the high-street and online ‘giants’. Business rates to apply to private schools.

A new plan to ‘Make Work Pay’ will overhaul HR practices.

A new windfall tax on oil and gas ‘giants’.

The National Living Wage will be maintained at two-thirds of median earnings.

A business rates support package worth £4.3 billion over the next 5 years.

More freeport and business rate retention zones will be created. Investment zones will continue to be backed.


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